We've all heard the stories about the wealthy and famous who have had their bodies frozen after death, planning on a future time when the medical technologies will exist that will restore them to life and health. But can you freeze yourself into youth and health right now?
Whole-body cryotherapy is a new technology based on ancient practices of using cold to promote healing. While it has been used to treat a variety of medical conditions and symptoms for many decades, people are beginning to discover a range of ways in which cryotherapy makes them look and feel better, healthier, and even younger.
Here are a few of the time-freezing effects of cryotherapy:
- Boosts collagen. Increased collagen production in the skin helps to reduce visible lines and wrinkles, and improves skin volume and resiliency, while naturally reducing pore size and promoting smooth skin. Collagen also reduces the visibility of cellulite and fatty deposits under the skin.
- Burns calories. Not only does a single 3-minute session in a cryosauna burn 500-800 calories due to the body's natural response to extreme cold, but cryotherapy boosts metabolism so you burn more calories than normal for several hours after the session.
- Stimulates cell growth and renewal. Cell production rejuvenates the whole body, including promoting younger-looking skin, and repairing damage caused by sun and irritation.
- Promotes circulation. As blood surges back toward the extremities after treatment, it brings nutrients, antioxidants and oxygen to the whole body. This boost of circulation has a variety of beauty benefits, including improving skin tone, reducing dark circles under the eyes, and promoting the growth of hair and fingernails.
- Purges toxins and stimulates lymphatic drainage. The removal of toxins reduces inflammation and promotes healing, while stimulating the lymphatic system boosts the immune system. In this way, cryotherapy helps reduce and prevent acne and blemishes, as well as reduce swelling and puffiness.
- Improves mood. Cryotherapy releases natural “feel-good” hormones in the body, like adrenaline and endorphins. These hormones reduce anxiety and create a feeling of wellbeing. In fact, cryotherapy is a promising short-term treatment for mood disorders such as anxiety and depression.