

A Guide To Whole Body Skin Care

The skin is the largest organ in the body, and does much more than simply act as a protective barrier between our bodies and the outside world. The skin is central to our body's temperature regulation systems, home to most of our nerve endings that transmit sensation, synthesizes vitamin D, and is our body's reserve for water and lipids. The whole...

Posted by Ashley Greer on Mar 29, 2018 8:19:00 PM

6 Winter Skin Care Tips

Winter is a particularly difficult season for your skin. Outdoor weather in the winter is harsh, and wind and cold temperatures take a toll on your skin. Indoor climate control can be overly drying, and constantly transitioning between the two temperature extremes puts extra strain on your delicate skin. Winter can also be a stressful time of...

Posted by Ashley Greer on Mar 28, 2018 8:03:00 PM